Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Family Teams: Generations

One of my favorite men of the Old Testament is Nehemiah. Visionary ( 2: 11-18), com-
passionate (1:1-4), strong in the Lord, prayerful (1:4-11). Nehemiah was a man who remained faithful to God, to his calling in God no matter what his station in life was. He was a man who knew to count the cost before building (2:11-18). Nehemiah was a leader who motivated God's people to do the right thing (2:18) and he knew how to handle the mockers and complainers (2:19-20). Reasons enough to stop and take notice in our twenty-first century!

Chapter 3, the entire chapter, is devoted to a long list of FAMILY teams Nehemiah had gathered together to get the work done (that means he was an organizer too). It's not a short list either. Every family, name after name. Sons, fathers, grandsons, daughters. Wait, DAUGHTERS? Yes! (3:11-12). People of God responding to God's leader at a time of tremendous loss and hardship of captivity. All had been set free for the time to rebuild the wall. God gave His people favor in the most difficult of times and He had the right leader in Nehemiah to get the work done. Each family had their own project. Their gifts were being used in the area where they were needed.

The mayor of a certain district was there working for the church (3:14). One entire town showed up to work on one gate and ended up repairing 1,500 feet of the wall too! Can't stop those motivated-by-God's-love people! And then there was Meshullam who rebuilt the wall in front of his storage shed (3:30). We all go in the strength we have!

Families building, getting the work done for God. It didn't matter what they had been through, they were there with ONE purpose...to do the will of God. When His people are called and equipped, moving in the power of His might, there is no stopping the work.

In Nehemiah 3 we have the family legacy passed down for our encouragement. How very important it is to pass down our own legacy of our generation! Never give up on what God has called you to do, children are watching, learning, planning. Get started today on what God wants you to do and build.

All scriptures are from The Message.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Part of who we are is the need for connection in this life. Being successful at this means it helps us find our 'place'. Actually, TRC is the first church we've been a part of that recognizes the importance of connection. That's what we stand for, "Connecting People to Life." Jesus has done such a powerful work in connecting us, we want everyone to experience what we have in Him. It's where we find our purpose in life, our gifts and how we impart those things to other people God sends our way.

The desire has always been there at TRC to connect people to life and with the introduction of a new computer program and a new Connect card, that work just got a little easier. That was a statement of faith! Many of us are still learning the ins and outs of the program, and it's coming along! Who would have ever thought a little Connect card would play such a huge role in people's lives and what it will mean for TRC? Awesome job on the Connect card!

I'm excited about this because we've had the experience in Guest Services of people dropping through the cracks. One person disappearing from the scene is too many. It's painful! If people leave no information, we have no way of connecting, but now we have a way of improving that. It's not just new guests we're concerned about. We love the people who call TRC their home and when any have missed two or three weeks, we care enough to find out why.

This is the function of the Connect card. I love it when things function properly and when there is beauty besides, all the better. Function and beauty all in one... great! Take a look at the Connect card and see if that doesn't stir something in your heart to be connected in a stronger and more fruitful way to the church. That's what I'm praying for, God's people established on the Rock, Christ Jesus.

It's ultimately being connected to life in the Son of God. Let it grow in your life.