Friday, June 26, 2009

Quarry Invitation

Quarry Interns are extraordinary people! You have a chance to meet them at TRC at 7PM this evening. Say hello, get to know them a little better and congratulate them on a job well done. Jim and I will be there, we'll look for you!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

52 Years Ago

June 22, 1957, Jim and I were married in Waukegan, Illinois after a four month courtship. Yes, back then, dating was known as courtship. We met at a dance at the YMCA in Chicago, February 14. Jim was 19 years old and a handsome sailor stationed at Great Lakes Naval Station in North Chicago. I was 18 years old, fresh out of Airline Business school and working in the big city with other girlfriends from the same school.
By Easter time that year we knew we were going to be married, so Jim wrote to his mom and dad to ask permission. At that time, women were considered adults at 18 years old, but men were not "legal" adults until they were 21. His Dad did a lot of work in the bush of Alaska and it took an "eternity" to hear from them, but permission, finally came.
The first day Jim had off from electronic school, we took the el into town and headed right to the courtroom. Jim in his navy blue uniform and me in my blue and white dress, complete with crinoline, (crinoline: French word meaning a course, stiff cloth used as a lining in garments. Crinolines in the 50's were made out of net, and stiffened up with either sugar water or starch). We owned the world. We fully expected to be married forever and have lots of kids. We had absolutely no worries. God was taking care of us back then too.
We said our "I do's" in front of a judge named Emil Lindval. Grandma Amundson would have been happy, he was a Scandinavian.
Here we are, fifty-two years later and many of our dreams have come true. We have been married a long time and we have six children and thirteen grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. Everything we hoped for when we were young has been given to us by our generous God. The Rock Church has played a huge role in our lives for the last five plus years. One blessing from TRC and P. Jeff was to be there to lead us in repeating our wedding vows on our fiftieth anniversary celebration.
It's not so important what we do on our special day, we aren't looking for something bigger and better every year, just something important every year. Yesterday on our special day, we spent with friends talking, laughing, praying and being thankful. Never give up. Not for anything. Never give up. Now we have the blessing of looking back at all those years and we can say ...
Wow! God is great!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

10 Must Do Things

Are you a list maker? I am. Since I'm blogging my list, I won't have to worry about where I put the list! I'll be ok with a top ten list, but if I keep adding things to it, something always gets lost in the shuffle. So here's my list, not necessarily in order of importance:

  1. attend Chef Laraine's cooking class
  2. teach a R.T. class
  3. take a cruise to Alaska with Rich and Bonnie
  4. go to at least one more Mariner game this season
  5. figure out how to get rid of those stupid looking flower bullet points (flower/bullet is an oxymoron)
  6. read the N.T. again
  7. read my fav classic lit again
  8. climb the Pike St. stairs again
  9. buy fresh seafood and veggies while we're at Pike St
  10. make paella from Pike St. fresh seafood and veggies

There, that blog took about five minutes. that's some good stuff on the list! What's on your list, I'm sure it's a great list, let the blog world know what's on your mind.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Add On

I'm laughing out loud! One blog about pests, the creepy kind, and when I publish the blog, up pops an ad from Google. For pest control! No, we don't need pest control!
BTW, why did my bullets become flowers? Flowers in a blog about killing those pesky bugs!

On Detesting Cockroaches...

...but loving Tony Morgan's new book, Killing Cockroaches! Last Support Team meeting we were assigned reading and our table stirred when we heard, First Impressions team was given this book to read. The title alone gets a reaction. You have to find out what this book is about!
Jim and I started reading out loud to each other tonight. First thing we noticed was Tony's sense of humor on almost every page in the book, cockroaches everywhere! When you quickly flip the pages, the cockroaches run across the pages. Hey, I voted on Morgan's web site on which cover he should use for the book. The one with the dead cockroaches! He tricked us, thinking they were all dead, and he made us laugh.
We spent some time in his short and to the point advice to bloggers and we came up with a few pieces of advice corresponding to his.

Tony Morgan
  • keep it brief
  • don't ask me to link to your blog
  • stick with it
  • have fun
  • (twice) be you
  • offer your opinions
  • check links often
  • everything you write is read

Jim and Marlys

  • it's called a blog, not a webessay
  • if you have to ask...
  • even if you haven't had Engl 261
  • don't sweat it, or, it's Friday night, I have to blog even if it kills me
  • if you blog, do people recognize you in person?
  • and ID as such
  • the world is changing!
  • pray, rewrite, rewrite, publish

So, it just a few minutes we have discovered another Morgan book that will be fun, instructional, inspiring, challenging. Why don't you get your copy soon and find what it will mean to your life too? Who knows, you may discover that you ARE a leader in the Church! will get it to you in less than seven days. Try it, it's the one with the dead cockroach on the cover.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ezra, Israel's Prophet and Project Manager

Last night I decided to reread the book of Ezra. There is great encouragement for the Church being built in the 21st century. Ezra brings out the plan of God for the re-building of the temple in ten short chapters. It will definitely hold your attention.
As He always does, God goes before His people to prepare the way, He stirs the spirit of the king of Persia, modern day Iran, and Israel is given all they need to begin the rebuilding. The first thing they build is the altar! Prayer, worship, praise, commitment, giving, at the altar. First things first!
Then, the adversaries come. They are armed with proposals they think will work on God's people. They approach the project leader and the HEADS of HOUSEHOLDS! They say, we worship the same God you do, we have sacrificed as you have. That was all a lie, trying to water down what God is doing. God knows who His people are!! Thank God for leaders with discernment! Without hesitation this leader pulls no punches, "you have nothing to do with us in building a house to our God; but we alone will build to the Lord..." Ezr.4:3.
There will be one opposition after another when God's people are building what He has said to build. The opposers write to the king, complaining of course that the Jews are rebuilding that rebellious and wicked city. Calling what God has ordained wicked and rebellious, that should have made them shake in their sandals, but their arrogance wouldn't allow that. Their next step is to appeal to the king, these were men of high political standing fighting God's work. They had the ear of the king and he agreed with them and ordered the work on the temple to cease. That's what arrogance will do, first they say, we worship the same God you do and have made sacrifice to Him. "...make a decree that these men be made to cease, and that this city be not rebuilt..." 4:21. Selah.
The enemy of the Church is still saying the same thing. That is why I am rejoicing all the more in the description of the Church in Revelation 21:9-27.
Try what he will, there is nothing our enemy can do to stop the building of the Church, be it bribery, lies, threats, temptations, discouragement, fear. Whatever he tries to use, God's Church is being built. Every day we are being changed into His glory, we are being matured and being made strong. There is nothing he can do to stop God's will. Persecution couldn't do it; fires, betrayal, whatever weapon, God defends His Church.
Be encouraged in the Lord today, He is ever faithful!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So Loved

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 ESV
I really had a good time today going back to the most familiar scripture in the Bible. This one verse is so descriptive of the wonders of God in such a simple (uncomplimated) way; " loved..." I have to think about that. I don't want to skim over this word. It's a word that has eternal impact on our lives, from the hour we are saved, to the end of our lives on earth and on into eternity. This impact comes because God's word is living word and when we have revelation of it, we are changed.
Sundays One Prayer message from P. Francis Chan on God's strength is like that. Sure we know God is mighty, but do we know because we have experienced His strength or do we know because we have read about it? So loved is like that.
Just as P. Chan said, we take one breath, two breaths because God has given us the strength to do so. Our God is the all-powerful God and it is He who has so loved. We have His love because He alone is Sovereign. He takes no counsel from anyone, He doesn't need it. Because God is love, He can so love.
We have lots of new babies in TRC, thank You Jesus! A church full of beautiful kids, thank You again Jesus. When we first hold our babies in our hands, we are being taught God's lesson on so loved. It is the love that stands the test of time, and stands the test!!
This is the love that so loves the proud and arrogant. It doesn't stop when the proud go about their way doing whatever they want, the so loved of God continues to the hardest of hearts. When we see the look of the hard hearted change, we know that heart has been broken at the experience of God's forgiveness in being so loved.
My prayer today is that we will come face to face with so loved. I pray we will exhort and encourage and demonstrate to each other this experience of so loved. Imagine what would happen in our families, our churches, our neighborhoods, our country. God's so loved is full of mercy and forgivness. It doesn't hold grudges. God's so loved, sets us free because His love gave us His only Son. Imagine getting rid of the burden of bitterness because we say and believe, God so loved me.
Imagine your heart has different rooms in it, room for all the people that we love and for the God we love. This love for God encompasses the whole heart. When new people come into our lives, no one has to shift spaces, lose space or share space. The rooms our family and friends have stays the same. When we make new friends, so loved makes the heart bigger and there is more room.
There is more coming on so loved.
Jesus, you are the Author and Finisher of our faith, I pray that each of us will grow into so loved. May Your so loved come as revelation to each of us.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Jael, the Wild Goat

One of the more interesting things about history, any history but especially Bible history, are the things we can learn and apply to our lives. Without application, history is just an interesting story and we can soon forget what its meaning is for us in this day
The story of Jael was one that made an imprint on my heart. She knew who she was. Can't really imagine a woman like Jael waking up one day and saying to herself, "I'm having an identity crisis." She fully accepted who she was and what her life was about. She knew she could get the job done in this difficult wilderness life she led. She got familiar with the tools she had to work with, didn't fret because of what she didn't have. When she had a job to do, no matter how hard, she was ready to get it done. Jael is an example of a woman who could climb the mountain before her. Jael is memorable enough that her life and experience is in the word of God and was celebrated by the Judge of Israel, Deborah. God has a specific reason for including Jael in scripture and if we approach it with this in mind, we will find revelation in the scripture.
"Every scripture is God breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, and for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2Tim. 3:16-17 Amp.
No question about it, no second guessing, Jael knew who the enemy was and what this enemy was like. She knew her mission was to get rid of this enemy, or he would destroy them. This enemy represents the enemies of our souls, and what God calls us to do in destroying these enemies, none of whom are people (Eph. 6:12). Our work is to do the will of God with the weapons He gives to rid our hearts of these enemies.

mor-ti-fy: to kill, put to death, to deaden, to subdue. This is what we do habitually as the Amplified Bible says in Rom. 8:13, Col. 3:5.
Here is the victory we have, Christ has overcome sin, death, hell and the grave. He has given us our weapons! Did you know that His word is as a fire and a hammer? The weapon in Jael's hand was a hammer and nail. "Is not My word like a fire? says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?" Jer. 23:29. Every promise in the Bible is an assurance that all things are possible in Jesus. It doesn't matter how hard the heart is, God is able to turn it into a heart of zeal for Him.
My prayer for the Church today is that we will walk in the overcoming power of Christ. Rom. 6:7-14.
So, here is what I hope we will all take from the life of Jael. Know your identity in Christ, be content with who you are, when God is in the mission, we can do all things because He prepares the way, know the tools we have in Christ, don't fret about what we think is missing in our lives, know the enemy, know the mission, commit to the mission, no doubts, get ready! There are other people on this mountain, you are not alone!
I love you Church! We have the victory in Jesus name!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jael: A Canaanite Woman Used By God

The story of Jael is found in the book of Judges 4:11-24, 5:24-27. Very short piece of scripture to tell an extraordinary history of one woman and how the Lord used her to deliver Israel. Jael's story is so important that Deborah, judge of Israel at the time, sang praise to the mighty warriors of Israel, including Jael!! P. Jeff recently brought a message about climbing the mountain because that's where God is. Letting nothing stand in our way from reaching God at the top of the mountain.
First thing I did when I decided to reread Judges was to look up the meaning of the name 'Jael' in Strongs Concordance. This is what I found: Jael in Hebrew is pronounced 'Yaw-ale,' and it means the following; WILD GOAT, (this woman was a mountain climber!!) ibex as climbing. The primary root meaning is to ascend, to be valuable, useful, beneficial, set forward, can do good, be profitable, have profit. Can you get a picture of this Canaanite woman? She lived in a tent and I see her long, wild dark hair blowing in the wind. This woman knows she can do. Do you have a picture of a goat climbing a high mountain? We saw goats climbing all the time in Alaska. Nothing seemed to stop them.
There is no scripture reference of the Lord giving Jael instructions for what she was about to do, no word from Deborah who was judge at the time, although, Deborah prophesied that a woman would get the glory, "...for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman..." (4:6-9). What she did have is personal experience of what war with oppressors was doing to Israel. The people that Jael was from were the Kenites and Jael's husband Heber had earlier made peace between his house, the Kenites and King Jabin. This peace pact plays an important part in what Jael would do in helping to save God's people.
God knows the beginning, to very end of this thing He is doing. First, He called Deborah who knew how to spend time with God under the palm tree (4:5), seeking His wisdom. Next, Deborah called Barak who was in Kedesh (meaning sacred place)to lead the troops of Israel. Deborah herself lived in the land of Ephriam, and only 10,000 men came from two tribes; Naphitali and Zebulun. Out of the twelve tribes, only three were represented. The Few, Matthew 20:16. A few years ago, P. Jeff had an excellent series on 'The Few.' Check it out.
Next, God had plans for the enemy. The leader of K. Jabin's army was Sisera. The army had 900 chariots and as they were preparing for what they think will be a decisive victory for them, the Lord confused and terrified Sisera and ALL his chariot drivers (4:15). This apparently was too much for the enemy leader, Sisera left his chariot and fled the scene while every last one of his soldiers were slain by Israel.
Sisera knew he would have sanctuary at the tent of the Kenite, Heber. Jael is on the scene again, ready to make things happen! She calms all his fears, invites him into the tent, gives him a cover. He requests water and she goes the second mile and gives him milk with curd, that would be cottage cheese to us. She knew exactly how to disarm the enemy. This wild goat of a woman had everything set in place beforehand by the God of Israel. Now Jael herself was ready with everything she needed; the hospitality, the nourishment, the covering for him, the hammer, and the pin she used to stabilize the tent, and some assurance to keep him at ease. She knew everything about these tools, she was resourceful and well practiced in taking down tents and setting them up again. She quietly comes near the enemy who was in an exhausted, deep sleep and used the tent pin (we would call it a stake) and hammer to kill the the enemy who had oppressed Israel for twenty years.
I was up til 1:30 this morning reading the story of Jael, the wild goat. There are precious details here. I encourage you to read her story, take notes and talk about it with friends. Her story isn't done yet, this scripture was written for our instruction! You might have asked what does a wild goat have to do with me, or what does the Old Testament have for me? We are there!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Focus on the Point

This is short and to the point. Adversity is not the point. Who God is , is the point. What He will do in and through the adversity is the point. Focus on the point.