Friday, June 12, 2009

Jael, the Wild Goat

One of the more interesting things about history, any history but especially Bible history, are the things we can learn and apply to our lives. Without application, history is just an interesting story and we can soon forget what its meaning is for us in this day
The story of Jael was one that made an imprint on my heart. She knew who she was. Can't really imagine a woman like Jael waking up one day and saying to herself, "I'm having an identity crisis." She fully accepted who she was and what her life was about. She knew she could get the job done in this difficult wilderness life she led. She got familiar with the tools she had to work with, didn't fret because of what she didn't have. When she had a job to do, no matter how hard, she was ready to get it done. Jael is an example of a woman who could climb the mountain before her. Jael is memorable enough that her life and experience is in the word of God and was celebrated by the Judge of Israel, Deborah. God has a specific reason for including Jael in scripture and if we approach it with this in mind, we will find revelation in the scripture.
"Every scripture is God breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, and for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2Tim. 3:16-17 Amp.
No question about it, no second guessing, Jael knew who the enemy was and what this enemy was like. She knew her mission was to get rid of this enemy, or he would destroy them. This enemy represents the enemies of our souls, and what God calls us to do in destroying these enemies, none of whom are people (Eph. 6:12). Our work is to do the will of God with the weapons He gives to rid our hearts of these enemies.

mor-ti-fy: to kill, put to death, to deaden, to subdue. This is what we do habitually as the Amplified Bible says in Rom. 8:13, Col. 3:5.
Here is the victory we have, Christ has overcome sin, death, hell and the grave. He has given us our weapons! Did you know that His word is as a fire and a hammer? The weapon in Jael's hand was a hammer and nail. "Is not My word like a fire? says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?" Jer. 23:29. Every promise in the Bible is an assurance that all things are possible in Jesus. It doesn't matter how hard the heart is, God is able to turn it into a heart of zeal for Him.
My prayer for the Church today is that we will walk in the overcoming power of Christ. Rom. 6:7-14.
So, here is what I hope we will all take from the life of Jael. Know your identity in Christ, be content with who you are, when God is in the mission, we can do all things because He prepares the way, know the tools we have in Christ, don't fret about what we think is missing in our lives, know the enemy, know the mission, commit to the mission, no doubts, get ready! There are other people on this mountain, you are not alone!
I love you Church! We have the victory in Jesus name!

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