Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Mystery of Socks

I read a comment by friend Stacie about her families sock problem. If you have had children, you know exactly what I'm getting at. The greatest household mystery of all time, the most asked question in a child filled household is, where is the other sock?? Why is it that every washer that has ever been manufactured has a hunger for one sock of each variety? Why don't matching pairs disappear? I fully understand your plea Stacie. If it's any consolation, millions of moms have had your experience!

The mystery of socks is right underneath the skin, and it doesn't take much to bring back the memories of the one missing sock. After reading Stacies remark on FB, memories of socks running away from home flooded in. All the crazy places they hide, all the odd uses kids find for their was too much, it had to go on a blog. It was imperative in our household that we find these socks, just wouldn't do for a kid to get out of the house in our Alaska winter with only one sock that could be found. Summer was no problem, kids loved bare feet. Finding socks became a goal, an inspiration to overcome the power that socks have over your household budget. Of course we can overcome this mystery!

First, find all the hiding places your kids use for candy, for incomplete homework, for the bug collection you said no to, the flashlight they use to read at night under the covers. That's some of the easier places to look. Then there is the deep recesses of the closet. Get beyond the locker room smell, the lunch box that disappeared with the sandwich still in it and you will find at least two mismatched socks in each place. NEVER throw away single socks, as soon as you do... you know what happens. I can't even write about that!
Kids socks have many uses other that covering feet. I have found lost socks being used to carry a marble collection. The sock would hang in a knot through a belt loop on jeans. Remember when we told our kids, "you've had enough candy today!" There's more in a sock somewhere. I have found caterpillars in a sock. That is really gross to reach in to turn the sock inside out and your fingers squish a caterpillar.
We eased the single sock problem at our house by buying same color socks. My girly girls didn't appreciate the gym socks though. We depended on grandparents to provide our girls with the pink, purple and lacey socks they loved. Whenever Grandma and Grandpa asked what they could get the kids for gifts, the one word response was always the same, socks.
The end of this mystery, frustrating mystery, is laugh at our frustration (s)!
Thanks to Jim for the sock picture, you are a dream come true.
P.S. I want to paragraph, but when I publish it, no paragraphs! Another mystery.

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