Friday, July 9, 2010

The Beating Heart

The title of the blog is a phrase I read in a tweet from a friend this week. It stood out to me among the other information (under 140 characters) about a crisis in the early pregnancy of her daughter. That gets my attention!

In spite of the bleeding and pain, this baby's will was TO LIVE! This tiny heart kept beating and is still beating! God's people around twitter gathered and prayed and that matters to God. Imagine that, everything that we go through here on earth matters to the God that created all things. God hears our cries and answers us. (We can never say, "nobody listens to me!") We are so thankful! There was unity in that prayer for life in this baby, for healthy delivery and a long life serving and loving the Lord. I expect this baby to be a blessing to everyone who knows him.

The beating heart is from God.

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