Monday, May 25, 2009

Another Conversation

This is a back and forth Jim and I had while running errands on this sunny day.
Marlee: (To Jim,) would you feel bad if I twittered what "Pookie" and I are doing today? (Pookie aka Jim).
Jim: (a resounding) YES, I would!! How about "HeMan or somethin' like that??
Marlee: or RealMan?
No answer, he's thinking.
So later as I'm fixing our very late Irish oatmeal breakfast; Jim or RealMan, comes in the kitchen.
RealMan: "Pookie" wants a kiss. I figure if I say "Pookie" enough I won't be shocked when I see it in print.
Marlee: You get your kiss Pookie.
The whole point of blogging this conversation is to say that life is full of funny things, along with some very tough decisions we have to make in this life. If you plan on having fun and laugh a lot, it will make you stronger when it's time to make that decision. Pookie and I laugh a lot, so we know when there is something difficult we have to deal with, soon the laughter will be there again, it's become a habit. And besides that, Jim knows that the nickname Pookie will not become a habit, I like Jim just fine.
Everything is going to be ok.

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