Friday, May 8, 2009

Most Assuredly

How can we tell when someone is telling the truth? What do we look for? What are we listening for? We can listen to the eye witness and make a judgement, or we can look in their eyes. Do we know them?
Jesus knows that discerning the truth is so important one of His names is The Word. When He speaks, He is telling the truth, yet there were many of the religious establishment of His day that refused Him, called Him a blasphemer. Their hearts were darkened and they could not see the truth. Two of the words that Jesus spoke often, especially in the book of John are "most assuredly." In the KJV His words are "verily, verily". The more modern version, NKJ uses "most assuredly." When Jesus says "most assuredly", that gets my attention! What is He trying to assure us of? And wouldn't we think that the strong language He uses would tell us how important His teaching is? Jesus uses this phrase 25 times in the book of John in a variety of teachings.
The most important one is on salvation. Let us be most assured that when Jesus saves us, we are fully convinced. First of all, we have a need to be saved and secondly, He does what He says He will do, He forgives our sins and saves us! He is the only One who saves!! John 3:3 "...Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdon of God."
I could do the work for you and list the 24 other scriptures in John, but there is a better way. We live in a day when MANY people have given us their "most assuredLIES," and we've come away disappointed again and again. It's so important that we look to Jesus who is the TRUTH and believe Him, be convinced that every word He says we can depend on. I urge you to read the book of John NKJV, and everytime you see a "most assuredly," circle it and write down what Jesus is assuring us of.
Right in the middle of this day of mistrust throughout the world, find yourself assured. We can fully depend on His word. "Most assuredly..."


Unknown said...

I love your blog, Aunt Mar. Thanks for sharing the link! I will definitely be popping in often. Love to you - Debbie

Marlys Woods said...

DEBBIE!!! Great to hear from you. Hi to the kids too.