Friday, January 22, 2010


No, I do not have the ability to see Jim's blue eyes on twitter. That's what happens when you blog early in the morning. But I can text him and say, come home so I can see your blue eyes and ask how your day was! This blog idea began with the twitter from Down Under, Pastor Brian Houston; "Gidday." Wonder what we tweets made of that day the 20th? All our days and nights are from the God who created them and all things.

"Then God said, 'Let there be light.' And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light 'day' and the darkness 'night.' And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day." Genesis 1:3-5.

As I wrote the blog titled "Twitter," there was a new blog moving around in my brain about days. YesterDAYS, toDAYS, future Days, and the decisions we make in this gift of days we are given by God. Making it count every day, or just floating by in this life. Putting decisions on the shelf somewhere or taking steps in faith when we don't know what the outcome will be. (Marriage is like that, a step of faith whether we know it or not.) No one can know what the future holds for us, but our days are made up of many decisions. Some small, some very big, some excruciating.

One DAY Abram (Abraham) heard God tell him to leave his country and family for a place he knew nothing about. It must have been like taking the last known stairstep into darkness. But he followed God's will and it has changed and influenced the entire Church. One day, one obedient man.

Days pass and before we know it, we are moving into the seventh decade, at least I am! There is nothing we can do to change any day we have lived, just thank the Lord we had every day, because our times are in His hands. He is the one who uses each day for His glory no matter what happened or didn't happen. God said the light of day was good, I'm thanking God for the light of every one of my days.

Today is a new day, a gift. Tell someone you love them. The new day is opportunity. Surprise. Open doors, closed doors. Laughter, lots of that. (One twitter friend said she had a goal of 25 laughs for the day, excellent!) Encouragement. New steps of faith. How about this one? Sunday is another opportunity to worship with family and friends. Jesus is worthy of all praise! God wants us to have breakthrough, so come ready to praise.

I can't imagine a more exciting day to be living in than the 21st century. Whatever the day holds, give it everything you've got!

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