Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Do You Have in Your Hand?

I went on a hunting expedition this morning for the multiple stories of Jesus feeding multitudes of people. (Mt. 14:13-21, Mt. 15:32-39, Mk. 6:30-34, Mk. 8:1-9, Lk. 9: 12-17, Jn. 6:1-13). There is a common thread in these accounts that is amazing. Jesus told, and still tells His disciples (that would be us!) "you feed!" How are we ever going to feed so many Lord? Whatever Jesus blesses will be multiplied and it will be done. Jesus is telling us not to fret when hundreds come, because thousands are coming!

Today on the news I saw an example in Haiti of God's people taking care of business. No one is waiting around for someone to come and help them out. I wouldn't call it a well-oiled machine, but the job of caring and loving survivors is getting done.

Their church lies in ruins in the background. They have arranged shelters for themselves and any neighbor who comes into the church property. Fires are going, huge pots of stews are being cooked. Each of God's people have given what PENNIES they have in their hands and from that little bit, God is giving much. Vegetables, fruits and perhaps a little meat. Their faces show their trust is in the Living God! The earthquake has strengthened their faith and they are ALL sharing what they have. They know they are the blessed of God. We don't have much in the way of problems do we?

Every day we have a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothing to wear, gas in the car to get to work. Let us be thankful and realize when tough times, really tough times come, our Father never abandons us. Be encouraged today to give what you have in your hand. Haiti is one of the poorest nations on this earth, yet in the middle of their adversity, Christians have their own "Feed-a-Block" going. God bless His people in Haiti.


Unknown said...

Wow! Great perspective. Convicting and encouraging at the same time.

Marlys Woods said...

you two have giving hearts that direct people to God's grace and mercy. Thankful for you