Friday, January 22, 2010


Is it the sound birds make at 4AM out of your open window in the summer? Or is it the descriptive word of a bride coming down the aisle as she watches her husband-to-be? All a-twitter. If you were born after 1950, you've probably never heard that expresion before, all a-twitter.

Twitter is a form of communication thousands (maybe millions) of people are doing on line or over their cell phones. Does anyone own a landline any more? Twitter is a community in itself. Twitter is a form of connecting people to life in Jesus. Twitter is used as a cry out to the twitter world for prayer. Twitter may be an easier way for a guy to ask a girl out on a date?? Twitter is a great reminder of events coming up. You know, for those of us that need the reminder. If only we could remember to look at our date book. C'mon, you really don't think we're that old do you? After reading twitters from friends for several months, it's easy to see when something isn't going quite right, so God uses this form of communication to care for each other. Twitter is an open door for 21st century busy people to stay in touch. We need each other. We really do. (Guy named Reuben Welch wrote a book a few years ago titled, We Really Do Need Each Other).

January 20 late at night thousands of people got a one word twitter from Pastor Brian Houston... "Gidday". His day was just starting and he thought of the twitter world that follows him. Our day was ending. Wednesday was gone for us. We can never go back to add or take away what that day was all about. Did we go to bed angry or stressed? Did we miss opportunity? Was it filled with busyness or did we take time for silence and listen for God's voice?

Never fear. Another day is here right now. Thank God for creating day and night. He is present in both. I'm going to make the most of it, and we can use twitter to help a little. Encourage a friend. Pray with a friend until they are feeling stronger. Take a long look in Jimmie's blue eyes and ask him how things are going. Get encouragement from Jeff's daily blog on Awakening21 fast and prayer.

I'm glad for the day I decided to use twitter. Always wanted to hear more of T.D. Jakes since Creative Church Conference (C3) a few years ago and I just "hear" his voice now on twitter. It's amazing the people who have twitter accounts! Try it, you might like it.

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